"I can't start a church because I don't have the communication skills to preach a sermon or the musical skills to play an instrument and I surely can't sing worth a darn to lead in a song!
Those things require training that I have never received!"
Those things require training that I have never received!"
But here's the question that I want to pose to you: Are those skills and training really necessary for starting and leading a house church? Do you really have to preach a sermon, play an instrument or sing a song in order to have a solid and effective church plant? My answer to that would be an absolute and resounding:
A house church should never try to recreate, on a smaller scale, what is done in a traditional brick and mortar church where PERFORMANCE through preaching and music is the key to success for two reasons:
A house church should never try to recreate, on a smaller scale, what is done in a traditional brick and mortar church where PERFORMANCE through preaching and music is the key to success for two reasons:
- A house church could never perform those activities (preaching and singing) at a level that is necessary for them to be successful. Entertainment is the key to success with a church that emphasizes these activities. So if you are trying to reach people who are looking to be entertained, they will always opt for the larger church that has mastered the performance and is able to deliver the entertainment they are seeking.
- The key to success for a house church is not in its performance to entertain but in its ability to develop sincere and meaningful relationships with people and God. That's right the key for success to starting and leading a house church is your ability to guide people into meaningful and authentic relationships with God and each other. That's what people are looking for who will come to a house church. If the people who attend a house church want a good show, they go to the movies and if they want to hear good music they go to a concert but when they want authentic relationships with God and others they attend a church (house church) where that is the emphasis.
So what actually does happen in a house church that ordinary Christian's facilitate that will bring people into authentic and meaningful relationship with God and others? There are many different books that are available on that subject that would be good to read and would be helpful, but for the purposes of this blog post I want to emphasize what the first church in Jerusalem emphasized and what they were devoted to doing when they gathered together in a house church. In Acts 2:41-42:
"So then, those who had received his word were baptized; and that day there were added about 3,000 souls. They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer."
In this verse four things stand out that should be emphasized at a house church meeting:
- First it says they were devoted to the FELLOWSHIP: Now from my denominational background (Southern Baptist) when I hear fellowship I automatically think FOOD, POTLUCK and OVEREATING. And I have to tell you that people from the south sure do know how to cook the best tasting food ever. However, that's not what the Bible means when it talks about fellowship. In this verse when it says that the people were devoted to the fellowship they were saying that they were devoted to each other. The fellowship consisted of the people who made up the church. This means that they were devoted to taking care of each other, meeting each other's needs, praying for each other, and sharing with each other. They were so devoted to making sure that each person was taken care of that fellow Christians were selling some of their possessions to raise money to meet the needs of others in their church fellowship. They sincerely cared about each other. They would cry with one another, celebrate with one another, serve one another, provide for one another, and encourage one another! This devotion to the church family was so important that we find this evaluation of the church in Acts 4:34,
"For there was not a needy person among them, for all who were owners of land or houses would sell them and bring the proceeds of the sales and lay them at the apostles feet, and they distributed to each as any had need."
Now you need to understand that no one was forced or even made to feel compelled to sell anything, but because their devotion and love to each other was so strong these first house church members wanted to do whatever it took to meet each other's needs. It is in small groups, LIKE SMALL HOUSE CHURCHES, that this kind of authentic care for one another can be nurtured and developed.
- Next they were devoted to PRAYER: These first Christ Followers had an insatiable appetite for prayer. They prayed all the time and for everything. When the Holy Spirit first came at the Day of Pentecost the apostles were involved in a prayer meeting; when people were sick they prayed for each other; when Peter was arrested and waiting to be executed we find the church praying; it was during a prayer time that an angel appeared to Cornelius and instructed him to send for Peter to come and tell him the Good News; and when the Holy Spirit set apart Paul and Barnabas for their mission work the church was praying. Throughout the entire Book of Acts we see the church moving forward in response to the prayers of those early followers. Jesus himself taught his disciples to go into their prayer closet and pray to our Heavenly Father for all of their needs with the expectation of all of them being met. At the end of Jesus' ministry on earth he told his disciples to pray for anything in his name and it would be given to them. The Apostle Paul, in Ephesians, instructs us to always be in prayer for all occasions and for all the saints. For these early Followers of Christ and for the early church praying wasn't just a good thing but it was an essential thing. It was as important and natural for them to pray as it was for them to breathe.
- In addition they were devoted to THE BREAKING OF BREAD: Whenever the early church came together they would share together what was called a Love Feast. A Love Feast was a common meal the church members would have together in obedience to the Lord to do the Lord's Supper in remembrance of Him. The Lord's Supper for the early church was not a small little wafer bread and a little cup of juice performed during some ritualistic ceremony. The Lord's Supper was a full meal that was shared as they remembered both the sacrifice of Christ and his promise to join them in that meal when he returns. So for those early church members church also included eating a full meal together in the expectation of Christ's return.
- And finally they were devoted to THE APOSTLE'S TEACHINGS: Whatever the Apostles taught in the house churches was retaught in other house churches. This wasn't just any kind of random Bible study topic or series that the apostles decided to use because they thought it would draw a crowd. No, the apostles had a set pattern, form or body, if you would, of teaching that they instructed to every disciple of Christ. This body of teaching, or pattern, was taught and established in every town, village or city in which a church was started. The teaching was both theological and practical. It taught the truth about Christ, God and His salvation and then it taught the lifestyle that was to be lived out in every disciple of Christ. The body of the Apostles Teaching is best found in the New Testament Books of Ephesians and Colossians and to a large degree in 1 Peter and James.

Now while there are other things that could be done in a house church meeting these are the four absolute and irreducible activities that must be done.
Don't you think that if you are a fully devoted follower of Christ, and you have a vibrant and growing spiritual life that you could lead a group of 8 to 25 people to take care of each other and meet each other's needs; to pray for God's power, presence and provision to be manifested; to study and learn the Apostle's teachings on how to live the life of Christ; and to share a meal together in remembrance of Christ's death, burial and resurrection and his future return?
SERIOUSLY! DON'T YOU THINK YOU CAN DO THAT? Starting and leading a house church doesn't require you to be a great performer but it does require you to love people and lead them to do the four things discussed here.
Take care of each other, pray for God's power, learn the Apostles Teaching and live it and finally share a meal together in remembrance of Christ death and future return that's all it takes to start and lead a house church that builds authentic and meaningful relationship with God and others.
Design a house church formate that includes these four things. What's going to happen first, second, third and fourth.
Design a house church formate that includes these four things. What's going to happen first, second, third and fourth.
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
ReplyDeleteThe later part of this article demonstrates a serious potential for error to creep into the home church movement. I won’t address the issue of using this verse as a proof text, but will look at it as presented.
In the explanation of Acts 2:42 it says first they were devoted to the fellowship. Whoa, stop right there. That is not what the verse emphasizes first. In my Bible it says “And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.” First and most important for repentant, born again, Spirit filled believers is to build a firm foundation and continuing stedfast in the Apostles doctrine. This is a constant theme in the New Testament. Jesus and the apostles constantly admonished believers to stand on the truth, and to watch out for error.
Contrast that with the communal type of fellowship (koinania) demonstrated up to Acts 5:11. It is never noted in the New Testament again.
In the 6th chapter when there was murmuring over how the food was distributed, indicative of a commune, rather that a house. The Apostles instructed the Disciples to choose seven solid believers to handle the food distribution because “It is not reason that we should leave the word of God, and serve tables.” and “we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word.”
I am not saying that fellowship is not important, we should be known by our love for each other. What I am saying is that if our fellowship is not first founded on the truth ( the Apostles Doctrine ) we set our selves up for error and there is little difference between our fellowship and that of the Elk’s, AA or any other social club.
Acts 2:42 should be demonstrated in any Church fellowship large or small. If your church fellowship is an entertainment center, run away.
Some might say that this is nit picking, but we should never read into the scripture what we want it to say or else we are open to error, and error begets error.
As Jude exhorted “ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.”
I have to admit that I was very tempted not to publish the previous comment! I found it to be somewhat nit-picking and read into the message something that was not intended. However, I do feel that the overall concern for the authority and foundation of scripture (apostle's teaching) is well worth making.
ReplyDeleteFirst, let me say that when you read the verse, Acts 2:42 as I sited it in the blog it is in quoted the way its reading. My intent to discuss the apostle's teaching last and not first was not to diminish its importance but actually to elevate and make it the last thing on the readers mind so it would be remembered more readily and not lost. My choice of the word "First" when talking about the their devotion to the Fellowship was not intended for it to mean it was of FIRST IMPORTANCE but just that it was the first topic I was going to deal with.
Please know that I am in complete agreement with "E" that the authority and foundation of the Apostles Teaching is of the utmost importance and cannot be over emphasized. I would however say that this should not be just a concern for the House Church Movement but any church. I personally have seen more scriptural errors take place in churches that are not part of the house church movements. The churches that tot the NAME IT AND CLAIM heresy or the EASY BELIEVISM that has filled the church landscape of North America is not so much in the house churches but in the large corporate church model. In a house church where the study of scripture is participatory there is a self correcting that takes place. When someone share an unbiblical concepts members of the house church are very quick to correct it. In a large church where one person preaches and everyone listens there is no self -correcting and often times is left unchallenged and then continues to spread. It is interesting to note that more heresies have developed by those individuals who have actually received formal theological education as opposed to the ordinary christians in house churches who just study the Bible.
So in conclusion the early church emphasized the APOSTLES TEACHINGS, THE FELLOWSHIP, BREAKING OF BREAD and PRAYER. I earnestly suggest we follow their example.
I read this blog several times before and agreed with its premise. I re-read it the other afternoon and it hit me like sleight of hand. I agree with your reply.
ReplyDeleteThe Church in North America has strayed so from the truth and seldom returns. This may be why our churches are so ineffective, and why I am so sensitive. I think this Home Church movement is the opportunity for revival in the N. American body of Christ. I am sorry if I come off caustically, that is one of my many character flaws. I love you and pray that your ministry blossoms. Eric
Eric I love you and have for the many years that we have known each other have admired your strength and unwavering stance on the authority of scripture. You are a good man of God and I appreciate you. Hope we can see each other soon. Jay